
Dever Blog

Got the Budgeting Blues?



As you begin to think about institutional goals and initiatives for the year ahead, pay special attention to those large, looming projects on the not-so-distant horizon. In times of transition, shifting priorities may impact funding levels and sources. Allocating your organization’s resources wisely becomes more important than ever during these periods of change.

Just as big-ticket household items make a big dent in your personal finances, large projects such as membership drives, conferences, and annual reports may require a significant portion of your organization’s annual budget. By engaging outside partners or vendors now, you can take advantage of their expertise to help you develop preliminary budgetary figures for those substantial and critical initiatives.

A truly collaborative creative partner is invested in your success and serves as an ally during the budgeting phase. Putting their knowledge and network of resources to work for you early in the process, an experienced designer can propose innovative solutions and estimate these approaches to arm you with realistic figures to share with boards, committees, or other decision-makers within your organization. These initial discussions not only help you understand and plan for the real-world costs involved, but may also energize your team and ignite interest and buy-in for specific initiatives.

Experienced design studios can help you maximize ROI by:

  • Facilitating candid conversation among key leadership to define objectives, outline strategies, and build consensus to move forward;
  • Assessing current materials and resources to see where and how existing elements may be reused or repurposed to meet future needs;
  • Thinking creatively to generate cost savings and get the biggest bang for your buck.

Depending on the project, there are numerous ways to stretch your dollars. Producing postcards to advertise an event? Consider developing both a save-the-date and reminder mailing now and gang printing both cards at once. Need furnishings for a large-scale exhibit? Get an accurate count as quickly as possible and order in advance to get the best selection and avoid rush fees. Trust your design partner to tailor their cost-saving suggestions to meet your needs.

Let Dever Designs estimate, design, and produce your next large project—and shake off your budgeting blues. Get in touch to start the conversation.

Annual Reports: A Marketer’s Swiss Army Knife

For most of our association and non-profit clients, their annual report is their most valuable marketing initiative of the year. It serves not only as a statement of fiscal health but also as the culmination of a year’s worth of effort, investment, and achievement. Thoughtful design can transform this data into the multi-tasking tool your organization needs. Make your annual report as special as you know it is.

Define goals
What do you want your report to do? Spark membership renewal? Introduce your organization to a broader audience? Position it as a thought leader, or influence legislative agendas? Defining your organization’s niche in a crowded marketplace can help determine the content, structure, and presentation of your report.

Show Me The Money
Most public companies are required to provide their operational revenue and expenditures to shareholders; associations and nonprofits may not have to disclose this kind of data in their annual reports, but doing so may be beneficial. Financial transparency can build trust and inspire investment. If your organization is fortunate to be running a surplus, how does it plan to use those dollars? Sharing your future plans for expanding operations, benefiting communities, or making much-needed improvements to existing facilities, products, or services can energize existing members and intrigue potential ones.

We’ve talked before about how digital adoption has influenced the delivery of messaging to customers and members. Early adopters were often perceived as being ‘cutting edge’—clearly advantageous in crowded fields. Technology, social media, and digital devices made electronic communications a cost-effective way to disseminate information; eliminating printing, paper, or postal costs was very attractive to budget-conscious organizations struggling to serve members.

Digital delivery remains a great option as part of an overall communications strategy, but as most organizations have fully embraced technology, the playing field has leveled again—leaving everyone to find some way to distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack. Now that our inboxes are crammed with competing messages 24/7, there are indicators that people want to be less connected electronically and more connected tangibly. For targeted, strategic communications, print now provides a ‘new again’ opportunity to stand out.

When you consider reintegrating print into your marketing initiatives, plan ahead—from the standpoint of both budget and design. Printing and writing paper costs have been rising and are forecast to increase further into 2019. This doesn’t mean you should forgo print, but you should be aware of the trend. It may be the perfect time to explore printing on atypical substrates, such as paperboard, newsprint, sustainable wood, or metal products for truly unique and memorable pieces. The key is to make your choices based on who your organization is and what it stands for, who your audience is, and what you’re trying to achieve with your report.

Ready to get the most from your annual report? Get in touch with Dever Designs to start the conversation.

Benefiting From A Collaborative Team

Team members' stacked hands


When you’ve been in business as long as we have, you develop a keen awareness of market trends: current design aesthetics, popular colors, technology adoption, preferred workflows…and much, much more. Everything is in flux, and many societal preferences are cyclical in nature. Not long ago, numerous organizations sought out “one-stop shops” that promised to handle all of their creative needs—from promotional writing and graphic design to data management and media buys. But the pendulum seems to be swinging the other way, with associations showing greater acceptance of—and even embracing—a collaborative team approach to achieve their goals.

What’s A Collaborative Team?
Individual experts in different fields working together in service of a common objective make up a collaborative team. An organization holding its annual convention might employ one trusted vendor to assemble and oversee a team consisting of a project manager, copywriter, graphic designer, printer, exhibit fabricator, web developer, etc.; each of these team members would be cherry-picked for their superior knowledge and skill to provide the best overall outcome.

Why Teams Work
Bringing together the right people from various disciplines generates multiple points of view on a given project. Assessing challenges from different perspectives creates a dynamic synergy among peers that leads to more effective solutions.

At Dever Designs, we recognize that we can’t be all things to all people…but we’re very good at what we do. Beyond providing thoughtful graphic design, we assemble and manage teams to execute large, complex projects ranging from websites to custom exhibit spaces. By partnering when appropriate with experts in other fields who share our passion for creative solutions that work and outstanding customer service, each party is empowered to focus on their strengths and be inspired by fresh ideas. Not only does this provide our clients with a first-string performance for every job, it also maximizes efficiencies of process that yield more bang for your buck.

Utilizing teams may offer benefits beyond working with the best and brightest. The large-scale retirement of baby boomers has led to many leadership positions being filled by much younger staff. These tech-savvy professionals can invigorate organizations but may lack experience or institutional knowledge of the design and production process. The resulting learning curves may make hiring a one-stop shop appealing…until you get their estimates. While larger agencies can command higher fees, smaller firms or niche specialists typically have lower overhead expenses than their “do-everything” counterparts. If your organization doesn’t have the resources to engage a mega-agency, teams can be a cost-effective alternative.

When offered to clients in complete transparency, forming a team of external partners can provide an effective, value-added experience for you and your audience.

Is a team-based approach right for you? Give us a call at 301-776-2812 to explore the possibilities and start the conversation.

Summer—The Perfect Time to Add Some Sizzle to Fall Projects

Summer To-Do


It’s mid-summer. You’re probably thinking about your toes in the sand or lounging poolside. While it may be difficult to maintain your focus on work, the summer is actually the perfect time to get a jump start on fall projects like your organization’s annual report, membership campaigns, and fall conferences.

Get cracking on your annual report
Tracking your organization’s achievements over the course of the year, locating the best photos and highlighting donors can seem like a daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be! Take advantage of a quiet office and slower summer pace to gather and organize news and photos from the year. This could be a great project and resume builder to pass along to the summer intern.

Think about themes that encapsulate the past year or the spirit of your organization. You can also build a theme around a large-scale event or major strategic organizational push. Talk to your design firm early to clarify what you’re trying to achieve or convey with your report. They will be able to share your organization’s story through format, graphics and production techniques.

Boosting membership
Yes it’s hot outside, but before it starts heating up in the office, begin coordinating your fall membership campaign. First, look at the data and outcomes of previous membership drives to see what methods were most effective. Plan a mix of print, digital and social media marketing. It’s important to reach out across multiple channels to ensure your audience is being reached. An email message could potentially be overlooked, while a colorful postcard may be just the piece of collateral to capture your audience’s attention. Want to target a new demographic? Try to reach them on a medium where they are actively engaged.

Fall conferences
Your big conference might take place in the fall, but it’s never too early to begin brainstorming and planning about brand collateral and more. Slow summer office days are the perfect time to work with your design firm on “Save the Date” notices you can send out ahead of schedule to keep your conference front of mind for your target market. Keep in mind it’s going to take several touches to keep guests intrigued and excited about your event. Start planning a branded email, e-newsletter, post card, etc., that clearly highlights the value of your event. Some organizations are even creating apps to communicate regularly with attendees and keep them in the loop about conference events and activities.

In addition to alerting your audience about the event, you’ll also need to create collateral to distribute to attendees once they arrive. Begin working with your designers in advance to create clear and organized programs and onsite guides that highlight speakers and workshops and offer a general awareness of what your conference has to offer.

And don’t forget the giveaways! Conference attendees get excited about tchotchkes, particularly useful items such as T-shirts, USB sticks, tote bags, hats and other apparel that your design firm can help brand to your event. Remember, the better the experience your guests have at your event, the more likely they will be to attend next year.

Dever Designs is happy to help you with your planning process. Visit or call 301-776-2812.